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Let's Talk: Did you catch Ty & Raquel on the Steve Harvey Show?

Celebrity stylists Ty Hunter and Raquel Smith appeared on the Steve Harvey Show with behind-the scenes stories of working with their most famous client, Beyoncé! Ty and Raquel shared their paths to success, how they ended up on Team Beyoncé and how it’s parlayed into them both launching their own fashion lines in the coming year. Both Ty and Raquel gave advice to Kelley Moseley of K~Fleye, artist and designer, who wants to make a fresh start in 2017 by focusing on working with celebrities in the fashion industry. What she did not know is that she would win a trip to Fashion Week in New York with Ty, Raquel and designer Michael Costello! Watch the excitement and share your comments.

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Ty Hunter
Raquel Smith
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